I am fat and someone mentioned that I have a raised BMI. What is it and how can it negatively affect my pregnancy?
I’ve always been excited about the prospect of pregnancy as I, uninformedly so, thought pregnancy equals a free ticket to feasting away! Unfortunately, as medical practice is more and more based on research and good evidence arising internationally, I have to share with you the hard facts…
BMI or Body Mass Index refers to the calculation of your weight which is divided by your length times length: Wt/length². Internationally it is agreed that a normal BMI lies between 18.5 and 25. Between BMI of 25 and 29 one is overweight, and obesity is defined as a BMI above 29.
What does international data say about the risks for the obese patient during and after pregnancy:
- The risk of developing diabetes in pregnancy (which results in a very high risk pregnancy) is at least doubled compared to the general population. Especially if you also have PCOS.
- Increased risk to develop pre-eclampsia (serious type of blood pressure condition which only occurs in pregnancy). Risk at least doubled in the obese patient and more so if morbidly obese (BMI> 40).
- The fetus is at increased risk of having a neural tube defect like spina bifida, or other developmental defects like cleft palate, limb defects and cardiac defects.
- Increased risk to develop urinary tract infections which could precede development of preterm labour.
- In terms of labour itself: Potentially longer duration of labour and higher risk of conversion to caesarean section.
- If caesarean section: Increased risks for anaesthetic complications, excessive blood loss and development of infection in wound sites and blood clots (emboli) postpartum.
Management of the obese patient therefore starts pre-conceptually (when you are considering the thought!):
- Dietician referral pre-pregnancy and establishing an exercise program (which should continue when you fall pregnant).
- At least 5mg of folic acid supplementation daily starting @ 6 weeks prior to conception.
- Stop smoking.
If pregnant already: (do not worry, we’ll help you through it!)
- Your gynaecologist will probably screen you for diabetes at booking and again at 28 weeks pregnancy with a blood test.
- You might be referred to a dietician while you are already pregnant! The obese patient will be advised not to pick up more than 5-9kg from pre-pregnancy weight, and the overweight patient, not more than 7-11.5kg. (guidelines from the IOM: Institute of Medicine)
- The NT (12-13week)-scan and detail scan will be very important to rule out fetal abnormalities.
- You might be referred to a specialist ultrasonography unit for your detail scan at increased levels of obesity since increased fat under the skin makes scanning more complicated.
- If you should be induced for a specific reason later in your pregnancy, you might be admitted to an in-hospital high care facility for the duration of your induction.
You can use the following calculator to determine your BMI:
Internationally it is agreed that a normal BMI lies between 18.5 and 25. Between BMI of 25 and 29 one is overweight, and obesity is defined as a BMI above 29.